Scroll down to the Multiple Displays dropdown-you can choose to show the same thing on both screens (not recommended), extend your laptop's display to the TV, or show your desktop only on one of the two screens. If you're on a Windows PC, right-click the desktop and choose Display Settings.You can adjust these settings with the following steps:

If it's blurry or pixelated, it may be mirroring your laptop's screen and scaling to fit-and if your TV is missing all your windows, it's probably extending your desktop to your TV as a second monitor. if you plugged your laptop into HDMI 3, use your TV's remote to switch to HDMI 3.) You should see your desktop or login screen appear on the TV-though it may not look right. Plug your computer into your TV and switch to the right input.

HDMI: This is the port your modern HDTV likely uses to transmit video and audio over one cable.But it'll do in a pinch if you have no other options. Since it's analog, it won't be as high quality as the other options below, and converting the signal for a TV's HDMI port requires a dongle that plugs into the wall. VGA: This was common for years, but you won't typically find it as often these days except on older or office machines (and some older TVs).